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MindMatters Voices

Keep an eye on our Voices page of the @CoiMindmatters website as we aim to keep the conversations around mental health, connections and combatting stigma going. #MindMattersVoices #MindMattersCOI #Mentalhealth https://mindmatters.ireland.anglican.org/voices/

Our newest MindMatters Voices post:

Bishop Pat Storey on encouraging open conversations around mental health and reducing stigma. @Storeyp #MindMattersVoices #MindMattersCOI #Mentalhealth   https://mindmatters.ireland.anglican.org/2023/11/13/bishop-pat-storey-on-encouraging-open-conversations-and-reducing-stigma/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter

Derry Samaritans seeks volunteers

Have you thought of volunteering at Samaritans? Come along to the Derry Samaritans information session on Wednesday 15th November at 7:30pm, contact derry.branchrecruitment@samaritans.org for more info.