Booking is now open for the MindMattersCOI Conference – 20th October 2023


The MindMattersCOI team are delighted to announce that booking is now open for the Church of Ireland’s Mental Health MindMatters conference, taking place on Friday, 20th October, in Dublin.  The guest speakers include the Archbishop of Canterbury, and Barbara Brennan (See Change).  Please see the attachment for a brief overview of this significant occasion.

Please book your place here and share this information as far and wide as you can.  We really hope there will be representation from all the dioceses, those involved in MindMatters projects, Mental Health champions, clergy, members from parishes, volunteers and partner churches and organisations with an interest in mental health and the Church.

As always, if you have any questions, please contact Rebekah Fozzard or Eddie Hallissey.


Mindmatters A5 Conference Flyer