World Bipolar Day 2022

Wednesday 30th March will mark World Bipolar Day 2022.


Bipolar disorder is a mental health condition which can affect thinking, energy, feelings and behaviour. Bipolar disorder can have a profound impact on every aspect of a person’s life, affecting their relationships, family and work life.  A correct diagnosis is essential for successful treatment and no one should have to suffer this alone.  One can lead a healthy and productive life once the illness is effectively treated.

Bipolar disorder is characterised by periods of low (depressed) or high (elated) mood separated by periods of normal mood.

Aware and Aware NI are charities in Ireland that provides free support, education and information services to those impacted by anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder and related mood conditions.  Their websites have a number of useful resources available for anyone who experiences Bipolar Disorder, as well as their loved ones.  These resources are available at World Bipolar Day 2021 – Depression Support – Aware” and Aware NI – Home (